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Friday, August 20, 2021

Chair Yoga Friday August 20, 2021

We spend a little extra time with our breathing today, with the "ah" inhale and exhale, lengthening both, and maybe even adding a gentle pause at the top and bottom. We round out our new sequence by incorporating a balance pose, and we end on a true note of gratitude.

Chair Yoga Wednesday August 18, 2021

We continue our "deep thoughts" today with a little bit about seeing things from a new perspective (check out what I wrote here on the regular blog. We work more with that new sequence, with a core focus, and hopefull come out with a bit more ability to handle the middle of the week with style and grace. s

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

AT LONG LAST A NEW POST! Chair Yoga Monday August 16, 2021

After a year, the videos are back. A long talk about breath spurred by a question about having difficult "controlling" the breath, a discussion of force vs. control, and introduction of a fun sequence that will show up in all the classes this week. We're on my back porch as there is construction going on my house (still, after two years). Where there is a will, and a chair, there is a way to do yoga.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021