Class Sequence, Poses, and Focus:
- Shoulder Rolls/Neck Rolls
- Warm up Shoulder, Trapezius, Neck
- Cat/Cow, Side Bends, Gentle Twists
- Spine Lubrication
- Core Activation
- Warrior 2, Extended Side Angle
- Hip Abductor Strengthening
- Hip Adductor Lengthening
- Core Strengthening
- Arm Strength
- Leg Activation
- Eagle (crossed) Arms
- Upper Back/Shoulder opening
- Chest Compression (hug)
- Eagle (crossed) Legs
- Hip Flexor Compression
- Hip Abductor Lengthening
- Hip Adductor Strengthening
- Seated Lunge (standing option) with Pelvic Tuck
- Balance
- Quadriceps/Psoas Stretch
- Calf Strengthen
- Core Strength
- Glute Activation
- One-Sided Wide Leg Stretch
- Calf Stretch
- Adductor Stretch
- Bridge Pose
- Heart Opening/Chest Stretch
- Arm Strengthener
- Anterior Deltoid Stretch
- Gluteal Strengthener (if standing)
- Hand Yoga
- Joint Flexibility
- Coordination
- Self Massage
- Cow-Faced Pose (opposite elbow stretch)
- Shoulder (Trapezius) Stretch
- Toe-ga
- Foot/Ankle Mobility/Flexibility
- Coordination
- Plantar Fasciitis relief
- Meditation/Breathwork
- Breath Circulation between Power Center (belly) and Heart Center